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Two Rings Which Of Cursed (Part 04)(13-10-2018)(R)

What's up, お元気のたちですか?. By the way for TRWOC Part 04, now we're still discuss it. I know, Part 03 is still pending ^_^. But, it will release in last august of now.
I will remembering of you for one more time. This is a Story Song. These Album have 10 Parts. So, if you want to knowing of this story you can first see here:

PART 03 (has released)

And for this album, same with previosly. We're decided to use 5 Main Tracks and 1 iNTRO Song. And here the details, sorry it's still many blank. As soon as possible we will update soon...
Btw, this album has released. And enjoy it...


Megurine Luka as Demira Rae
Kaito as Yesafa Vir
Cyber Diva as Sesil Vir


Demira has changed.
She was swallowed by the darkness of the black rings.
In the meantime, Though Yesafa tried to apologized with her.
She's always rejected him.

Yesafa knew. All of that because him mistakes.

Years by years, had been passed.
Yesafa and Eve was married.
Now, them have two childs. The youngest name is Sesil.

One time, Sesil was not deliberated found a mysterious library in her school.
It's about "The Two Rings".
Because of that, she intended to solved that mystery.

How about Demira ?, she's still revenge and angry.
And she has sweared, she will be always to make Yesafa's Life get broken.

In the meantime, Sesil has decided to find the Mysterious of Two Rings.
Then She found the old cave, She entered.
And She sense there's something big power in cave is.

Is it the white ring? or... ?

To be continued...

Vocaloids Used

Megurine Luka (巡音ルカ)
SeeU (시유)
Kaito (カイト)
Cyber Diva
UNI (유니)


Tracks List

1. TRWOC (Part 04)(トゥー・リングズ・ウィッチ・オブ・カーシッド・イントロー・パート・フォー)

Short Version

2. Megurine Luka (巡音ルカ) - Black Fire (ブラック・ファイアー)(Type A)

Short Version

3. SeeU (시유) - Black Fire (ブラック・ファイアー)(Type B)

Short Version

4. Kaito (カイト) - Like A Formerly (ライク・アー・フォーマリー)

Short Version

Audio recording >>

5. Cyber Diva - The Two Rings (ザー・トゥー・リングズ)(Type A)

Short Version

Audio recording >>

6. UNI (유니) - The Two Rings (ザー・トゥー・リングズ)(Type B)

Short Version

Record music with Vocaroo >>

7. Megurine Luka (巡音ルカ) - That Sweet View (ザット・スウィート・ビュー)

8. Cyber Diva - The Two Rings II (ザー・トゥー・リングズ・トゥー)

Short Version

Voice Recorder >>

9. Black Fire (ブラック・ファイアー)(OV)
10. Like A Formerly (ライク・アー・フォーマリー)(OV)
11. The Two Rings (ザー・トゥー・リングズ)(OV)
12. That Sweet View (ザット・スウィート・ビュー)(OV)
13. The Two Rings II (ザー・トゥー・リングズ・トゥー)(OV)

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